Clebe McClary Quotes

God tells us in His living Word, Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV), ‘For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—  not by works, so that no one can boast.’ Meaning salvation is a gift. You can’t work for, earn it, or buy it, it’s FREE
— Clebe McClary
— Clebe McClary
In this world of give and take, there are not enough people willing to give what it takes
— Clebe McCLARY
Folks will ask, ‘Clebe, did you ever have a drug problem?’ I tell ‘em, “I sure did. My daddy drug me to school; drug me to work; drug me to practice. I wish we had more young people today whose daddies influenced that kind of drug problem
— Clebe McClary
A big problem in America today is that we have parents and grandparents who want to give their children and grandchildren everything they didn’t have. They want to them everything money can buy? Why don’t we give them what we had – things money can’t buy – respect, discipline, honor integrity, fear of the Lord
— Clebe McClary
There are too many pastors in pulpits sending people to hell with a positive attitude
— Clebe McClary
Growing up, every Sunday, some little old lady would pat me on the back as I left church telling me I was such ‘a fine. Christian boy’. You know, so many people told me I was a Christian that I thought I was.
— Clebe McClary
I was so ‘good,’ I was ‘good for nothing, going straight to Hell
— Clebe McClary
There’s never been a grandchild of God. Your parents or grandparents may have been tremendous Christians. But God doesn’t have a family plan. You’re either a child of God, or you’re lost
— Clebe McClary

Verse of the Week


Clebe’s Favorite Bible Verse